Cozy tent for two - Japan Today

2023-02-22 16:27:34 By : Ms. Amy Zhang

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With warmer weather just a few weeks away, so comes spending more time outdoors. Whether you’re planning your next camping trip or even just having a picnic at your local park, stay cool all day with this two-person sunshade tent from Thanko. 

The tent is automatically assembled using a quick pulling motion and is just as easy to store. It also comes with a mosquito net to keep the bugs away. 

Available on the official website, this tent goes for ¥9,800.

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Looks comfortable for one, but no more.

It looks too small for an average sized adult to stretch out. Maybe suitable for small children.

or even just having a picnic at your local park,

What's the point of having a picnic at a park inside a tent?!?

I use a tent for camping out, as Danielsan points out this tent looks too small to stretch out and sleep.

I bought an auto assembling sun shade tent thing on Amazon to use at the beach. With the slightest breeze it would collapse itself, so I sent it straight back and got a known outdoor goods brand.

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