
2023-02-22 16:25:09 By : Mr. YUN ZHANG

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Published 14:37, 20 February 2023 GMT | Last updated 15:20, 20 February 2023 GMT

I don't even want to know how many videos out there claim to be the best evidence yet of our pal Bigfoot, but a lot of the time they can be explained away by a blurry camera or even just a prankster in costume.

However, there is one video that left even sasquatch aficionados scratching their heads over whether it could be real, and you can see it for yourself below:

The video was shared online after being caught by the Cass River in Michigan, where the hulking brown figure appeared to wade into the water with something in its arms.

The creature walked out into the middle of the river while the person behind the camera looked on, no doubt holding their breath to avoid finding out what happens when humans come face-to-face with mythical creatures.

With no immediate explanation available for the scene, it racked up thousands of views and caught the attention of investigator Kyle Shaw, of Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization (RSMO).

Shaw took a look at the footage for himself, but admitted even he didn't have a definitive answer.

He confessed: "I'm not saying this is Bigfoot, and I'm not saying it isn't."

Shaw continued: "This is obviously shot with a cell phone at 880×656 resolution. It's 30 frames per second. It isn't the greatest footage. It's all we have to go with so you be the judge on what you think it is. I don't know what it is."

So far his insight is rather 'captain obvious' like, but at least continued with some more details as he indicated the creature might not have been alone.

He continued: "A lot of what's going on in this says to me it's something moving through the river, pushing a wake, and it appears to be carrying an infant.

"The infant's head is behind the mother or father. It must be lying on the left shoulder and kind of in the back, but you can see the torso, leg, and foot of the baby. Just incredible."

Even though Shaw, as a member of a literal sasquatch organisation, still didn't have an answer, other internet users were convinced they knew exactly what the creature was, or claimed they'd know if they could only get a better look.

One user said: "It's a man in waders with a mosquito net over his head."

However, another argued: "If you or I saw this we would film it until it was no longer visible. I think the reason its [sic] so short is because it was originally much longer, but its been clipped up to the point where its difficult to tell its someone in waders crossing a river with a deer."

So, could the figure in the footage actually be Bigfoot? That's up to you to decide.

Featured Image Credit: Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization

Topics: Conspiracy Theory, YouTube, US News